Fox News' Eric Bolling: Time For A 'Preemptive Strike' Against N. Korea?
It's all so simple when you're a Fox talking head.
We all know Donald Trump gets his ideas from Fox News. That's why I was chilled to the bone after Eric Bolling suggested yesterday on The Specialists that the appropriate response to student Otto Warmbier's death is a preemptive strike against North Korea.
"Right now, the North Koreans keep testing these intercontinental ballistic missiles," he told his co-hosts.
"If they go ahead and figure out a way to put a warhead on longest range missile, 30 minutes is the lead time between firing a missile and Los Angeles. Are you willing to risk Los Angeles?
"I don't know, Kat. We are on the same page on a lot of these things. When the U.S. isn't directly affected but now the U.S. is being directly affected by this North Korean crazy dictator.
"It may be time for a preemptive strike."
His co-hosts disagreed. Will that be enough to deter their biggest fan in the White House?