GOP Congressman Wants Reps To Pack Heat, Town Halls Are Scary

Kentucky House Rep Thomas Massie thinks everyone needs a gun, not just Congressmen.

Suddenly, the Republican party is very worried about protecting themselves from American citizens and the hundreds of millions of guns they own, who choose to adhere to Rand Paul's definition of the Second Amendment.

Fox pal, Abby Huntsman, is also very concerned and "wants to know what can be done to put a stop to these horrific events," following the shooting at the Congressional Republicans practice for the annual Democrats vs. Republicans baseball game. Several were wounded, the worst injuries suffered by Rep. Steve Scalise, and some injuries were sustained to Scalise's security detail. There likely would have been some casualties and more wounded had the Capitol police not been there.

That didn't stop some conservative pundits from opining that if only, during practice, everyone were packing heat, the whole event could have been avoided. But that practically never works, when people are attacked unsuspectingly in a public, peaceful setting.

What's the solution? Improvements to the process of gun acquisition, making it less simplistic for those with domestic violence histories to own guns? Wrong. Stop politicizing this tragic event, liberals.

You'd think that logic would factor in to solving this massive problem; these Republicans know full well about the disparity between the U.S. and other civilized industrialized nations and gun deaths. Congressman Thomas Massie (KY-04) wants to capitalize on the fact that we have a GOP majority in Congress and Executive Branch, and we'd better act while they tyrannically control the government, regardless of their constituents' wishes.

MASSIE: My bill would extend the reciprocity from your home state. I'm just looking to extend your Second Amendment Rights into the city of Washington D.C.

Adding gasoline to the fire, Huntsman felt compelled to remind the congressman how unbearably awful it is to be asked real questions and to face terrified constituents at town hall meetings. Who do these people think they are to question the man who is voting to help expedite their demise? His healthcare is fantastic. That's all that matters.

HUNTSMAN: We know the political rhetoric has been out of control lately, it's almost every week that we see another town hall being interrupted by these protesters and violence (Ed. note: ?). Give us a sense of what it's like to be a congressman today, do you feel at times it is an unsettling job to have?

MASSIE: The animosity has increased tremendously, I think it's dangerous the rhetoric out there...2/3 of states already recognize other states' concealed carry permits. Washington D.C has been set up for Congress to make the city's laws. And, with the Republicans in a majority and a Republican in the White House, I think now is the time to change the laws in D.C.

Huntsman asks if Massie believes that this could mark a turning point.

HUNTSMAN: Do you think the rhetoric should change?

Of course the Democrats need to change their rhetoric, as per usual, right Massie? Those barbarians always bring up facts to their constituents and they really need to knock off that behavior, because they don't deserve to know what the GOP is doing behind closed doors. Isn't that what Jefferson envisioned in the eighteenth century?

MASSIE: I think it should be a wake up call for my colleagues too. When you go out in front of cameras and you say things like children are going to starve and old people are going to die....We want to go back to civil discourse.

Most Americans who are not Infowars listeners won't ever forget December 14, 2012, the day that 20 kindergartners and first-graders were shot and brutally murdered, with an AR-15, along with six administrators of that elementary school. That sickeningly tragic event in Newtown, Connecticut, was not horrific enough, if you recall, to invoke outrage and horror in Republicans. In fact, they accused President Obama of politicizing a tragedy.

But this baseball practice--in which no one was killed--is apparently way more tragic. Perhaps they do realize the fatalities were defenseless children, but no one blamed these young children at town halls for threatening to rescind health-care from millions of people. These guys are 'threatened' every day, and it's just not fair. But it's not the flaws of the antiquated Second Amendment. No. Never.

In fact, even their 'hero,' Ronald Reagan was far more strict on gun regulations than these NRA-beholden shills.

But in 1991, former president Ronald Reagan wrote an op-ed endorsing federal gun control legislation; in 2016, Obama’s proposed to do less on gun control than even Reagan wanted is seen by Reagan-worshipping Republicans as unconscionable tyranny. The Republican race to get far to Reagan’s right makes the prospect of the GOP obtaining unified control of the government a frightening one indeed.

Massie claims that everyone should be granted the same concealed carry rights as their home states. Notice most states that have the most relaxed gun laws are ruled by Republicans?

Newtown is something the GOP has stored in the "Let's not bring that up again" memory hole. Most of the comments on Massie's Facebook page were as you'd expect: gun enthusiasts praising this man to the hilt for his ideas. There was one redeeming comment, from the sole rational commenter.

Thank goodness for the occasional sane person in a sea of red.

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