GOP Rep Says He Hasn't Seen Trump Lie. MSNBC Host: Crickets.

This is why we can't have nice things, people.

If you need any further evidence that our corporate media is completely useless and feckless in the United States, look no further than this interview from this Saturday with MSNBC host Thomas Roberts and Florida GOP Congressman Francis Rooney.

They discussed this week's Comey hearings -- and Comey's assertion that water is wet our president is a known liar who could not be trusted to tell the public the truth about what happened during their one-on-one meetings.

Roberts asked Rooney about Paul Ryan's lame excuse that Trump is just "new to government" and therefore didn't really understand that what he was doing.

Here's how Rooney responded:

ROBERTS: When it comes to James Comey referring to the president as a liar, do you think that that is accurate. Do you think that President Trump has ever lied to the American people?

ROONEY: I haven't seen evidence of a lie yet, and I'm really surprised that the FBI Director would use that kind of language, especially after some of the things that he's done.

Thomas Roberts just shrugged it off and moved right along to the next question. The only time he got even the least bit testy with Rooney during the interview or pushed back at him at all was when he attacked the media later in the same segment.

The Washington Post has been tracking just how much Trump lies, and they're up to 623 lies just in Trump's first 137 days.

I guess it's asking too much of Roberts to have pointed that out to the congressman. The guy deserved to have his pants erupt in flames right there on the set for trying to peddle such ridiculous nonsense.

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