Hannity Haz A Sadz Because Tinder Users Won't Date Trump Supporters

Who would have thought that supporting a racist, sexist, pussy grabbing conman would be unattractive in a date?

Hannity Haz A Sadz Because Tinder Users Won't Date Trump Supporters

Sean Hannity is throwing a man-baby size tantrum over the fact that folks are refusing to swipe right on Trump supporting folks trying to find a date on the best online dating (hookup) site, Tinder. On his Wednesday show (aka, right wing cry fest), he whined:

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Alright so I don't know if you have the same thing, what do they call this matchmaking thing, timber and all that other stuff that they got? Tinder and all that other stuff?

KATIE HOPKINS: Yeah, we have that.

HANNITY: OK so there apparently Donald Trump according to the Sacramento Bee is saying people will ask straight up do you vote for or do you support Trump. And if you did boom, that's it.

You know, I would never date a Trump supporter and I think that this is a SUPER valid question to ask of friends, dates, etc. Admitting you support Trump demonstrates, generally, that you are ok with:

Sexual assault
White Nationalism
Stripping poor, elderly and children of health insurance
HUGE tax cuts for the rich
Russia hijacking our democracy
Party over country
Making fun of the disabled
Racial profiling
Increased prison for drug offenses primarily targeting POC
Women as objects
Ridiculing our allies while cozying up to our enemies
Supporting dictators
Restricting the press
Stomping on free speech
Cutting funding to public schools
Forcing religion based school
Cutting Meals on Wheels
Screwing over veterans
Cutting head start and similar programs geared towards low income families

Would you want to date someone that approves of this? Probably not, unless you are a Trump supporter yourself.

Listen to Hannity whine below, via Media Matters

Ed. Note:

Do you think Hannity will revive Hannidate? Asking for a friend. - Karoli

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