This Mom Of A Cancer Patient Confronted Sen. Capito And Showed Us All How To Do It

Senator Capito gets a message. The Senate bill is not something any voter voted for. And the optics are terrible. Watch.

“West Virginia needs you so desperately to stand up against this immoral bill.”

That's the end of a conversation The Reverend Janice Hill had with her senator, Shelley Moore Capito, in Washington yesterday. The video went viral when the outlet "Now This" tweeted it.

The tweeted video includes captions:

Pieter Howes reports:

Pastor Janice Hill of the First Christian Church in Parkersburg was amongst the group. As a prominent religious leader in her community, Pastor Hill was attending the meeting to represent people who are too poor to afford any insurance, let alone health care.

But there is one particular person amongst the diverse group Pastor Hill was speaking on behalf of; her own daughter who suffers from a rare type of cancer.

In a heartbreaking exchange with Senator Capito that was caught on video, Pastor Hill says that her daughter “would not be alive today if it wasn’t for the [Affordable Care Act].”

Yes, it helps tremendously that this woman is an ordained minister wearing a collar.

She's an older mom. Big plus there.

Her daughter is NOT on Medicaid, but gets insurance through her full-time work. (No claim of "mooching" by the "mean right wing" sticks here.)

The concern is for losing the ban on lifetime caps, as well as the ban on using pre-existing conditions to limit access to insurance. Those provisions are extremely popular, even among the Fox News zombies.

And finally, the fact that this video went viral, and Capito appears on it, has to affect her politically.

Andy Slavitt reports that "In West Virginia, if Capito votes for Trumpcare, 36% say they are less likely to vote for her."

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