Jill Stein Blames Democrats--Not Russia--For Trump's 'Victory'

The Democrats were 'looking for someone to blame,' and some other alternative facts that Dr. Stein fancies.

Now that we are living with the dreadful outcome of the 2016 Presidential elections, and new information continues to surface about the Obama Administration's quandary about how to deal with the nefarious Russian interference, it's impossible not to obsess over the headlines and the curiously crafted victory margins for Trump in three critical states.

One cannot ignore the voting tallies in those Rust Belt States, where The Green Party's Jill Stein helped the Republicans defeat the most qualified candidate running in 2016 or perhaps ever. We must know if she was aided and abetted by some fellow Hillary Clinton-haters: the GOP and their Russian co-conspirators.

Spoiler alert: she'll blame the Democrats.

SMERCONISH: Dr. Stein, this "Washington Post" story today, this blockbuster that points a finger directly at Vladimir Putin for having directed the meddling in our election, I find to be pretty compelling involvement. Does it make you reconsider the dinner invitation that you received in 2015, and whether him giving you that platform was itself a form of meddling?

Stein admits she has yet to read the WaPo blockbuster from Friday's edition that recalled the timeline and the torturous strategy-formulation that haunted (and still haunts) the Obama Administration once they learned the scope of Russian hacking and meddling in our elections. Stein is fully aware of the vulnerabilities of the system and admits that this is not the last we'll be seeing of Vladimir Putin, who will likely be more enmeshed in our elections given the success of his past efforts.

JILL STEIN: We need to make our system protected not just get Russian interference or Chinese or Mafia but also private corporations who, for example, control our voting software and have a stake in the outcome of the election. his system needs to be protected so americans can have faith and confidence in in it.

SMERCONISH: Okay, I'm for all of that. Now, take me inside the dinner you had with Vladimir Putin in 2015 and the prominence it afforded you. My question is was that, in and of itself, a form of meddling along the lines of, let me give some attention to Green Party candidate Jill Stein -- on any theory -- you know the theory -- any vote for Stein is a vote that otherwise would have gone to Hillary. What was that dinner about? Tell me about it?

Did you notice that Stein threw in a little of her own doubt about who could have hacked our elections, even though the lion's share of evidence points to IP addresses in Russia? In fact, Putin praised Russian hackers of the US elections as "patriotic." That's one of her techniques. Now, she's going to put the blame squarely in the lap of the most unfairly maligned candidate in history, and will denigrate the Democratic party while she's at it.

Stein doesn't want Russia, the poor dears, to end up in an endless cycle of war, which seems inevitable after their heavy bombing campaigns in Syria. She wants to keep them from making the mistake we made in destabilizing the Middle East. In case you missed it, Dr. Stein's purpose in attending a dinner "conference" (a.k.a. an award ceremony) in Russia was to broker peace, along with that notoriously peaceful dove, General Michael Flynn. But that news doesn't get out in this country's media outlets, Stein laments. What shocks her most is the uproar raised by the photo with herself, Putin and Flynn all at the same table at an RT Awards Ceremony. She said,

STEIN: I think it's very related to the fact that the Democrats are looking for someone to blame. they're looking at Bernie Sanders. They're looking at James Comey. They're looking at me. Can they blame us for the loss of 1,000 legislative seats over the past ten years. for the loss of two-thirds of governors. for the loss of the recent special elections in Georgia? I don't think so, I think the - Democrats really have to look internally. People have had it with being thrown under the bus.

Dear sweet, innocent Jill can't believe the big bad Democrats could have been a victim of hacking and meddling by a hostile foreign entity, she thinks they are on a par with the Russian Kleptocrat, hell she harbors the same feeling for Democrats that Putin has for Hillary Clinton. Smerconish wanted to understand her possible regret for essentially handing the election to Trump in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. The CNN host didn't even bring up all the voter irregularities that happened in mostly Democratic districts with Cross Check and voter suppression.

The states where Jill Stein gave the election to Trump

Sure, the Democratic Party was far from flawless, but seriously, with the insane piles of evidence mounting by the day, that prove that Russia greatly aided and abetted and likely, colluded with Republicans in this past election(s), how can Stein blame the DEMOCRATIC PARTY for this monumental attack on our Democracy by a hostile foreign enemy, who has no incentive to help this nation in the slightest. Plus, why would the Republicans open their mouths and ruin a good thing: in an ever-evolving demographic that is very unfavorable to Republicans, why not let Russia put them in power. Cheating, lying, stealing are okay if it's done to serve their corporate masters.

The GOP and Russia have the exact same objective: to destroy our way of life, and our functioning Democracy -- and Trump is just the wrecking ball to do it.

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