Just In Time, Hugh Hewitt Gets A Saturday Morning Show On MSNBC
And it's not a cartoon.
Above: Hugh Hewitt defends and promotes James O'Keefe's "work" on MSNBC during the Democratic National Convention 2016.
And I Looked, and Behold a Pale Whore...
And his name that sat on him was Derp.
And Hell followed with him.
In fulfillment of prophecy, Andy Lack has finally given America's most famous Cyborg Sent From The Future To Destroy America his own show.
From AdWeek/TVNewser:
Hugh Hewitt to Host Show on MSNBC
MSNBC is expanding weekend news with live programming until 9 p.m. ET Saturday and Sunday nights, TVNewser has learned.
As part of the expansion, conservative radio talk show host and MSNBC contributor Hugh Hewitt is getting a half hour show, airing Saturdays at 8 a.m. ET...
Hewitt’s first show, which will air live, is this Saturday morning. Expanding news programming has long been the goal of NBC News chairman Andy Lack, who created MSNBC 21 years ago...
America's most famous Cyborg Sent From The Future To Destroy America generates a lot of byproducts.
Most of them are toxic.
None of them are "news".
Never forget that your lives and your concerns mean absolutely nothing to the corporate hobgoblins who own and operate the American media.