Karen Handel Uses Desperate Measures In GA-06

She's getting really desperate.

Karen Handel Uses Desperate Measures In GA-06

Karen Handel is getting desperate. The special election to replace HHS Secretary Tom Price in the House of Representatives is held tomorrow, and the last weekend of campaigning included an ad that said this:

And if you think that ad is some right wing dark money coming into the campaign, you're right.

While Handel has condemned that ad, she hasn't suggested it be taken down, and some elected supporters are amplifying its message. Here's the far-right Wisconsin state rep who primaried Paul Ryan as "too liberal":

Duuuude. The radicalized left is anti-gun. Get over yourself.

And now we have national Republican big "guns" coming to Georgia to campaign for Handel. Except they don't want to talk about healthcare, which the majority of the district considers the number one issue in the campaign.

GOP Majority Leader in the House Kevin McCarthy ran away from a Handel campaign even rather than answer reporter's questions about AHCA, for which he had voted!

How can you run away from your own vote? Easy.

It's going to be a tight race no matter what, and if there are voting irregularities we know who to blame.

Go Jon Ossoff!

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