Lewandowski: ‘By Every Measure,’ Trump Admin ‘Has Been Successful’

Nothing tells you more about the hackery of Howard Kurtz than his softball interview with Corey Lewandowski in which Lewandowski was allowed to claim that Trump’s presidency has been successful without a single bit of challenge.

Nothing tells you more about the hackery of Howard Kurtz than his softball interview with Corey Lewandowski in which Lewandowski was allowed to claim that Trump’s presidency has been successful without a single bit of challenge.

Lewandowski’s appearance on MediaBuzz today began with Lewandowski using last night’s terror attack in London to pitch for Trump’s Muslim ban – by attacking the judge’s who have ruled against it, which Kurtz mildly challenged. Kurtz did not question Trump's shockingly unpresidential tweet that insulted the mayor of London mayor in the middle of the crisis.

Then the discussion moved on to Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement. “Do you feel like the press, in covering this, kind of glossed over the fact that during the campaign, when you were advising Donald Trump, that he promised this? That this was a campaign promise that he was carrying out?” Kurtz “asked.”

I’ll bet you’re sitting on the edge of your seat wondering what Lewandowski’s answer was.

But then Kurtz brought up a piece Lewandowski wrote for The Hill in which he said, “The mainstream media would like you to believe President Trump’s first four months were not a success.” Kurtz asked, “Are you arguing that it’s been a smashing success and the press has completely misinterpreted what’s happened?”

Kurtz’s question suggested that he does not agree with that view. But it was a chickens*** way of doing so. Because rather than offer any real challenge, the effect of Kurtz’s question was to open the door for Lewandowski to go on a rant about Trump’s Gloriousness. And that’s exactly what Lewandowski did for the next 47 seconds.

LEWANDOWSKI: If you think about this, the president has a Supreme Court justice which by all accounts, was exceptionally qualified. He has him sitting on the bench. The president got no credit for negotiating the release of a U.S. citizen in an Egyptian prison which Barack Obama couldn’t get done. He literally got no credit for this. He’s put jobs back on the table, the economy is booming, the stock market’s at the highest it’s been. If you look at the last month, it was supposed to be 185,000 new jobs created, there was 250,000 new jobs created. By every measure that you can look at, this administration has been successful and the mainstream media has given him no credit. That doesn’t even include all the executive orders that he’s done which allows coal miners and steel workers back to work and stops countries from dumping their goods on our soil without some kind of repercussion.

Yeah, and how is Trumpcare doing? Dismally. Or tax reform? Trump doesn’t even know there is no bill. Meanwhile, Trump’s historically-low approval ratings keep sinking.

But Kurtz didn’t bring up any of those inconvenient facts. Instead, he changed the subject to ask whether Lewandowski will join the White House staff.

Watch Kurtz play lapdog to Lewandowski above, from the June 4, 2017 MediaBuzz.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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