Maybe This Is The P*ssy Trump Should Have Grabbed
There's stupid, there's paranoid, then there's Devin Nunes.

Everybody’s favorite bad liar and gotta-be-on-drugs to act like he does, Devin Nunes, is loudly burping out of his mouth again.
But whatever drugs he’s taking has not helped with his paranoia. His rambling interview at a local rightwing radio station is an adventure in persecution complexities.
By the way, he has also caught that thing that Trump has hugely bigly.
Nunes was then asked why an all-Republican Congress was not passing more legislation. He corrected the caller, saying the House, Senate and Trump have signed more bills into law than any previous Congress/presidential combination in history up to this point.
Oh, that might be a tiny exaggeration.
But, here’s the part that got me. Nunes says that he can’t possibly have town halls because, you know, citizens might show up and we can’t be having that. Do you know why?
“The last thing we’re going to do is give in to a lot of left-wing activists and media,” Nunes said. “And with these security situations, I don’t know how any member of Congress can do a town hall.”
Security situations? What the hell is that? Do you want to know who shows up in person and walks along a rope line shaking hands? Gabby Gifford, that’s who.
Nunes is a coward.
Go read the interview linked above. The guy is nine cents short of a dime.
Originally published at