MTP Panelist Suggests 15M Losing Insurance 'Might Have Been Forced To Buy It'

One of THE stupidest exchanges on television all day.

Danielle Pletka reminds me of your friend's dad's crazy second wife that he met at the country club. She enjoys tennis, jewelry, and firing housekeepers. Say what you will, Danielle Pletka's job at the American Enterprise Institute, and her ability to fill a TV segment with lots and lots of "words", will keep her in the Rolodex of MTP Daily's harried "talent" bookers for many seasons to come.

DANIELLE PLETKA, AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE: We're not talking about the facts of the bill. Part of the problem is, Republicans don't want to stand up, because people don't understand what the facts are. They know what the political debates are that they've been hearing. They hear: "This is going to be taken away from me." What if there are 15 million people who actually don't want to sign up for insurance but they were forced to, and have been counted because they were forced to under Obamacare? Is that part of the number that CBO gave us? We're not talking about the real details here.

We're also not talking about alternative facts you just pulled out of your butthole, Danielle. Every single person who will be ripped from their healthcare by the Senate REPUBLICANS in the 12 months following passage (and that is the CBO scenario) is likely an Obamacare "victim" who was forced to buy insurance? Did your Botox guy inject you a little too deep? Or is the air at AEI so full of right-wing shite, you exhale falsehoods without noticing the smell?

Good thing she's mastered the Peggy Noonan whisper, that tone you use when you're talking to the caterer, or when you're staring straight at a cable news panel host and LYING.

Chuck Todd didn't notice a thing.

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