Nancy Pelosi: Trump's Family Should Be Concerned About His Health

The "future speaker" as Joe Scarborough calls her says she has personally told Trump to get some sleep.

Stipulating at the beginning of this post that not everyone at C&L considers Pelosi a personal favorite, and of course that Morning Joe ignores their role in promoting Donald Trump into the White House, most especially Joe Scarborough's role in the transition and his assistance with Trump's speech to Congress. Moving on....

Nancy Pelosi was on Morning Joe this morning with three big takeaways:

1. The so-called president's health is an open question. Pelosi has told Trump personally that he needs to get some sleep. When questioned further, Pelosi said she thought Trump's family should be concerned about his health.

2. There is no Trump agenda. Trump says his tax bill is moving along successfully, but there is no tax bill. It's all smoke and mirrors.

3. The Republicans in the Congress are so committed to their failed trickle-down economics, they are willing to make any excuse to prop up Donald Trump.

The segment opened with Paul Ryan saying Trump is "new" to this government thing, and Joe Scarborough introducing Pelosi as "Speaker-to-be" Nancy Pelosi and then almost putting his head in his hands. (You built this, Joe Scarborough.)

And Pelosi replies with almost prayer: "How are you? The country is great, it can withstand anything, God is always with us."

We can only hope.

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