Sam Bee Covers GOP Toxic Testosterone Like No One Can
Greg Gianforte and his apologists get the Full Frontal Treatment
Last night Samantha Bee took on the Greg Gianforte body slam against a reporter, and how that behavior was rewarded by voters.
Threats against journalists have gotten so bad that NPR has started giving its reporters hostile-environment awareness training. You can hear about it on their new show, "Wait, Wait, Don't Kill Me."
And Samantha Bee points out what no one else has: the latest testosterone eruption among Republicans didn't originate with "Trump culture."
Did he provide a focus for roid-rage culture? Sure. He rode into office on a wave of assholes like a crowd surfer at a Kid Rock concert. But there has always been an undercurrent of testosterone-fueled cruelty in America, a nation where there was no greater demonstration of strength than hitting a brown person in the face with your rock-hard boner.
The triumphant impunity of Gamergate trolls, the Bundy occupiers, and George Zimmerman told America's shy bullies: "It's OK. You are accepted. Be yourself. We won't judge you.
Neither will a judge."
Watching the number of Republicans excusing Gianforte for making "a mistake," I wondered why Kathy Griffin doesn't get the same dispensation. Maybe one "it was just a joke" for Griffin for every seventy-five times Ann Coulter has said the same thing?