Sean Hannity Defends Trump’s ‘Bleeding Facelift’ Tweet
Sean Hannity – the guy who never stops complaining about “besmirchment” from the left – is cheerleading Donald Trump’s vulgar "bleeding facelift” tweet about MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski.
Sean Hannity – the guy who never stops complaining about “besmirchment” from the left – is cheerleading Donald Trump’s vulgar bleeding facelift” tweet about MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski. And since Ann Coulter is also loving Trump’s hate, maybe the feuding smear merchants will be BFFs again.
As I previously reported, Donald Trump attacked Brzezinski and her Morning Joe cohost, Joe Scarborough, this morning in a pair of tweets that has caused bipartisan condemnation:
But Hannity – who made his own attack on Morning Joe last night – suggested Brzezinski and Scarborough got what they deserved:
Ironically, Hannity incessantly whines about “smearing, slander, besmirching” - when it comes from the left. When it’s the right doing the smearing, slandering and besmirching, he loves it.
Furthermore, Trump’s Twitter tirade may have had the unintended consequence of reconciling the soulmates in hate, Hannity and Coulter. Last night, I wrote about their very public feud over Coulter’s disaffection with Trump. Today, she loves him again.
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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