Stephen Colbert Declares Run For President In 2020 On Russian TV

Colbert assured the Russian people they'd continue to have a friend in the White House if he's elected.

And after a few shots of vodka-roulette (with pickle), Colbert was ready to declare in a unifying toast to 'A strong America! A strong Russia!'. Assuring the Russia people that, if elected, they'd continue to have a friend in the White House.

Source: The Daily Beast

As he revealed on Twitter in a trolltastic message to President Donald Trump on Thursday, Stephen Colbert is currently “on assignment” in Russia for an upcoming broadcast of The Late Show. While there, he also made an appearance on the Russian late-night talk show Evening Urgant, where he decided to make a very big announcement—under the assumption no one in the United States would hear about it.

Colbert joined host Ivan Urgant for a game of “Russian roulette” that included vodka shots and pickles, and made a series of toasts—in English—with each drink. “To the beautiful and friendly Russian people,” he said before downing the first shot, “I don’t understand why no members of the Trump administration can remember meeting you.”

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