Steve Bannon Fat Shames Sean Spicer? Really?

Are they in kindergarten?

Hey, too bad that "White House Russia Investigation War Room" plan didn't work out, just when everyone at the White House had finished their in-house "team building" seminar, amirite?

We apologize in advance if our gentle readers have blotted out all mental images of Steve Bannon -- with alcohol or therapeutic hypnosis -- but really, this image is like film nudity:
necessary to the plot, people!

And surprise, surprise, the last 15 hours have brought "Sean Spicer is leaving his job" rumors via the Twitter.

But how does Fox and Friends spin it?

And now, all of a sudden and with no possible warning, Sean Spicer's press briefing is on again, on camera? Life happens fast at the Trump White House.

We can hardly wait.

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