Trump Has Fake (News) Magazine Covers Hanging In His Properties!
Intrepid Wash Post writer, David Fahrenthold, uncovered a dirty secret: Donnie "snowflake" Trump has fake Time issues hanging in his properties with his face on the cover.
Poor Donald. No amount of attention or adulation is enough for him. Apparently he wasn't feeling the love back in 2009, so he had a fake (news) cover made of a Time Magazine issue from March 1, 2009 which he promptly hung in his properties.
Too bad they are fake.
The cover reads: “Donald Trump: The ‘Apprentice’ is a television smash!” and "TRUMP IS HITTING ON ALL FRONTS . . . EVEN TV!".
The Post reports that there was no March 1, 2009, issue of Time Magazine and Trump wasn't on ANY cover in 2009 at all. Whoops. And ironically, the replica isn't even a good one. The border is skinnier than the regular Time issues and the placing and over usage of exclamation points are telltale markers that it is a fake.
Twitter had a field day with this. Sports Illustrated even got in on the fun.
UPDATE: Time Magazine has asked for the fake covers to be taken down immediately.
Snowflake, thy name is Donald Trump.