Is Jeff Sessions Engaged In A Cover-Up Of Russian Contacts?

Our top law-enforcement officer is citing "personal privacy" when it comes to meeting Russians?

After several reporters wondered aloud if he would be in contempt of court, Sessions turned in his security clearance form to the federal court demanding it a day late.

The document released was a heavily redacted version of the form showing one entry. A box checked "no" as to whether he had held meetings with foreign nationals.


Sessions is arguing that meetings he had with foreign dignitaries in his role as US Senator do not count. Really.

And if that isn't a stretch, please note that one specific meeting Sessions had with Russian Ambassador Kislyak was at the Republican National Convention, to which Sessions had traveled using Trump campaign funds (in rubles?) and which at least one attendee said involved campaign issues.

I would think so, given it's at the Convention. Geesh. Think Progress:

In the margin of the single-page disclosure released on Thursday, Sessions cites two statutory justifications for not disclosing information about his meetings with Russians. Both of them claim disclosure “would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.”

Personal privacy?!? Resign already.

Everyone in the Trump administration has the same attitude, that they are above the law, including the top law enforcement officer of the country.

This is a low point for the United States. Again.

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