Ari Berman Discusses The REAL Reason Kobach's Panel Exists..And It's NOT About Integrity

Kris Kobach and his Trump-appointed voter fraud panel aren't interested in election integrity, but learning about how to ensure Republican wins in perpetuity.

While the rest of the Sunday shows spent the bulk of their time focusing on Trump's tweets (thereby justifying the distraction technique perfectly), Joy Ann Reid had on writer Ari Berman to discuss Trump's voter fraud commission, headed by Kris Kobach.

Kobach's own history with voter fraud should tip off all Americans (at least the ones who actually care about integrity) that placating Trump's delusional lies about non-citizens voting making up the three million more votes that Hillary got over him is not really the purpose of the panel. Berman wrote this for The New York Times magazine:

For Kobach, the question of citizenship, and who has a rightful claim to it, is at the heart of his lawsuits and legislation. Years before Donald Trump began talking about building a wall, the fate of America’s white majority was a matter of considerable interest to Kobach, who once agreed with a caller to his radio show that a rise in Latino immigration could lead to the “ethnic cleansing” of whites and has written scores of laws across the country to crack down on undocumented immigration. He told The Associated Press in May that he met Trump through his son Donald Trump Jr., with whom he has a mutual friend. Kobach has since become close to the White House inner circle, including the president and his chief strategist, Steve Bannon. Two weeks after the election, Kobach met with Trump at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J., where the president-elect was auditioning potential members of his cabinet before the press, and was photographed holding a white paper outlining a “Kobach Strategic Plan for First 365 Days.” Though partly obscured, what could be read of the document was a bullet-pointed wish-list of right-wing policies that included “extreme vetting” and tracking of “all aliens from high-risk areas,” reducing “intake of Syrian refugees to zero,” deporting a “record number of criminal aliens in the first year” and the “rapid build” of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

And with the addition this week of Hans Von Spakovsky? This panel is an unapologetic admission that they want to disenfranchise American voters to ensure a permanent Republican majority.

But of course, the rest of the media will treat this as a legitimate point of view, rather than the massive lie it really is. Hopefully, we'll get more people like Howard Dean booked to speak out bluntly:

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