Aw, Newt Gingrich Wants Tax Cuts, And Quick!
Forget tax "reform!" Hurry! Get that tax cut through!!!
Newt Gingrich has written a white (yeah) paper for the Republican Party. It's all about "course correction" and a "mid-term reassessment."
Mid-term, even for House members, isn't until January, but who cares when we're in this much of a RUSH to get a dang TAX CUT through?
Newt tells Maria Bartiromo exactly what she had her comfortable White Republican viewers want to hear-- get a tax cut through before the end of the year or there will be nothing for the GOP to run on in 2018.
Newt even suggests they abandon the euphemism "Tax Reform" as too complicated. This needs to be fast and simple and get through quickly.
And Newt thinks the Republicans can easily run against the Obama economy, because he conveniently leaves out the Bush recession and the McConnell obstruction.
Time is running out on the Republican Party, and even Newt knows unless they cut taxes deep and quick, the funders of their stupid conglomeration of bigots, idiots, and billionaires will fall apart in the wake of the failed Trump presidency.
Is Newt still headed to the Vatican with his Ambassador mistress, I mean, wife? I guess he can advocate for Tax Cuts for Billionaires while the Pope watches.