Breaking Down The Don Jr Emails Line-by-Line: It's Collusion

Donald Trump Jr. may have just signed his own conviction by posting his emails

Whoa. Donald Trump Jr broke a well known rule - if you may be guilty of a major crime, don't post evidence against yourself ON SOCIAL MEDIA.

I cannot even imagine what his lawyer is doing right now. Quitting, possibly?

Junior just posted these 2 tweets, containing an email chain which he (stupidly) thinks exonerates him. Derp, it does not. Let's break it down.

Tweet 1:

Email title: "Russia - Clinton - private and confidential"
Yeah, it was totally about adoption. Lies.

In Body of page 2: "Russian Government attorney"
Yeah, they didn't know she worked for the government. Lies.

Tweet 2:

"Hillary info you had mentioned earlier this week"
Don Jr mentioned it first, it appears. Whoops.

"The Crown Prosecutor of Russia...offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary"
Um, hello COLLUSION.

"This is obviously high level and sensitive information"
Sure, you didn't tell your daddy.

"Part of Russia and it's governments support for Mr. Trump"
OMG THIS IS BLACK AND F*CKING WHITE. You knew that the government wanted to collude.

17 minutes after that last part, Junior responded with "Thanks Rob, I appreciate that"

Kellyanne Conjob, Sarah Huckelberry Sanders, Reince....I am DYING to hear how you spin this.

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