Callista Gingrich Remarkably Life-Like At Vatican Confirmation Hearing

Newt's Robot Mistress that he married six years later gives answers in compete sentences but doesn't blink enough.

OMG, Elon Musk was right. Artificial intelligence will kill us all.

I guess Donald Trump thought it would be real funny and a great way to tell off that commie Pope Francis, if he appointed Newt Gingrich's sex robot as ambassador to the Vatican.

This answer she gave at her confirmation hearing this morning is exactly as long as the other answers she gave. Because she was programmed to answer questions in exactly this way.

The Pope and the President share a great concern about our environment. President Trump wants to maintain that we have clean air and clean water and that the United States remains an environmental leader. As President Trump said, we will disengage and pull out of the Paris agreement. and either reenter the Paris agreement or an entirely new agreement. One that is fair to Americans. If confirmed I look forward to working with the Holy See...

Okay that's enough.

I just want to correct a perception I've seen on Twitter that Callista Gingrich is an adulteress. It's so much worse than that. Callista Gingrich was Newt's mistress while he was married to Wife Number Two for SIX YEARS.

As Vanity Fair (of course) outlines:

[Callista] Bisek carried on a six-year affair with Gingrich while he was married to Battley and publicly flagellating President Clinton for his dalliance with Monica Lewinsky. According to Salon, Gingrich and the former Hill staffer (23 years his junior, mind you) would frequently dine in the Supreme Court cafeteria—an unsuspectingly sordid detail. (In 1995, Vanity Fair referred to Bisek as Gingrich’s “frequent breakfast companion.”) Gingrich stepped down from Congress in 1998 following an ethics scandal, among other things. The two were married two years later.

I suspect that the Tiffany's credit line that caused turmoil for the so-called "Gingrich for President" campaign in 2012... was actually used to buy expensive watches for Cardinals in the greater Virginia diocese. Because Newt married Callista and converted to Catholicism with the blessing of somebody. I'm absolutely sure it wasn't Pope Francis.

Next up, who wants to bet Callista asks the Pope to sell her "Gingrich Productions" merch in the Vatican gift shoppe? "Ronald Reagan: Rendevous with Destiny" and all those Ellis the Elephant books? Split the profits 70-30? Waddya say, Pontiff?

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