Dana Loesch Plays The Victim Over Criticism Of Her Hate-filled, Inflammatory NRA Ad

Is there anything right-wingers won't whine about?

Poor Dana Loesch. The right-wing hatriot made a jaw-droppingly incendiary ad for the NRA that suggests all conservatives should arm themselves against violent, anti-American liberals and now she complains it’s “reckless and irresponsible” that people are speaking out against it.

Just before Loesch appeared on his Fox News show last week, host Tucker Carlson played the NRA ad in full. Notice how Loesch suggests that liberals are not American but some kind of dangerous enemy. She even suggests that “their ex-president” is not everyone else’s:

LOESCH: They use their media to assassinate real news. They use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler. They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again. And then they use their ex-president to endorse the resistance. All to make them march, make them protest, make them scream “racism” and “sexism” and “xenophobia,” “homophobia.” To smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law abiding until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness. And when that happens, they’ll use it as an excuse for their outrage.

The only way we stop this, the only way we save our country and our freedom is to fight this violence of lies with a clenched fist of truth.

Carlson called the ad “powerful." He said approvingly, “That drove the left completely bonkers."

Let’s pause a few moments to recollect how Carlson reacted, less than a month ago, to comedian Kathy Griffin posing in a photo with a fake severed and bloody head of Donald Trump.

Calling Griffin the “perfect embodiment of what the modern left believes,” Carlson falsely claimed that she “publicly fantasizes about violently murdering the president.” In fact, she said nothing of the sort. “Yet she holds a press conference to announce she’s the one who’s been wronged,” Carlson continued, before he went on to accuse liberals of always playing the victim.

“The most remarkable thing about victimhood is that it allows the alleged victims to commit the very offenses they are complaining about,” Carlson said. “It means never having to say you’re sorry. It also means being right, even when you’re wrong.”

Those comments about victimhood perfectly applied to Loesch! Not that Carlson seemed to notice, of course.

If anything, Carlson was all on board with Loesch’s victimhood. “For her efforts on behalf of the Second Amendment, she’s being accused of trying to destroy the country,” he said condemningly.

Destroying the country is basically what Fox regularly argues everyone it disagrees with is doing.

Meanwhile, Loesch laughably claimed she had advocated non-violence in the ad:

LOESCH: The clenched fist of truth you know, it’s just word play. I’m talking about fighting violence with truth because truth wins out all the time and apparently that’s bad.


When you show the left - and some people on the left, not everybody on the left but, you know, it’s coming from the left. When you show a mirror, when you hold up a mirror, and show them a reflection, they freak out and so that’s what I’ve been dealing with all day.

I don’t know whether Loesch thinks we’re all too stupid to see through this baloney or whether she actually believes it but if she was talking about “fighting violence with truth” then why was it part of an ad for the NRA? And why use violent imagery such as “they assassinate real news” and say they “bully and terrorize the law abiding until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness?” This was not a promotion of mediation as a means of conflict resolution but of the importance of guns.

This right-wing victimhood was really another excuse to mount further attacks on the left. Carlson prompted it by showing a Tweet from Democratic Senator Chris Murphy, saying, “I think the @NRA is telling people to shoot us. Now might be the right time to cancel your membership.”

Guess which rhetoric this pair of whiners thought was more inflammatory?

LOESCH: I think that this is incredibly reckless and irresponsible of Senator Murphy to have this response. First of all, it’s a lie. There was nowhere in this video…I called for anyone to go to violence - I’m condemning it, by the way - where I called for anyone to move towards violence, to silence anyone or where I called for anyone to even pick up a firearm and enact violence and it’s reckless and irresponsible and Senator Murphy needs to rethink his word choice here.

And from there, Ms. Responsible Rhetoric blamed Democrats for the Congressional baseball practice shooting. With Carlson’s approval.

LOESCH: Because we just had a couple of weeks ago, due to some of this rhetoric, like we see from Senator Murphy, had a crazy, leftist lunatic go out and open fire on a bunch of Republican Congressional members after he double-checked to make sure they were Republican. This has to stop. And I’m not gonna stop condemning violence and it’s a shame that other people, Tucker, on the left won’t do the same.

CARLSON: Well, yeah, I mean that maybe is the core irony here.

No, Loesch meant no harm. She just strongly hinted that everybody should hate and fear liberals, see them as an “other” and suggest that everyone who isn’t liberal should be armed to protect themselves from the left.

Driving home that message was Fox News’ own title of its video for this segment: Dana Loesch vs. lies of violent left.


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