GOP Rep. Dana Rohrabacher Set Up Show Trial In Congress On Putin's Behalf

Is Rohrabacher a Russian asset?

The Daily Beast broke a shocking story overnight regarding GOP Rep. Dana Rohrabacker and his incredible ties to Russia which appear to possibly be treasonous, if true.

Their lede alone is breathtaking: "After being given a secret document by officials in Moscow, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher sought to alter sanctions legislation and tried to set up a virtual show trial on Capitol Hill."

Back in June 2016, Kevin McCarthy joked on tape that “There’s two people I think Putin pays: [Rep. Dana] Rohrabacher [R-Calif.] and Trump.” How prescient of a statement that may be.

Here's the story: the same cast of characters that coordinated the now infamous meeting between Donald Junior, Kushner and Manafort also pulled Rohrabacher into a scheme to present a "show trial" of reknowned anti-Putin campaigner Bill Browder on Capitol Hill.

This "sham trial" was to happen during an official congressional hearing and afterwards, Rohrabacher was going to confront Browder with an insane "pro-Kremlin" propaganda movie. This is Putin's most insane dream come to reality - a pro-Russia puppet presenting *literal* Russian propaganda on the floor of Congress. Thankfully, the hearing was cancelled.

So how exactly did Rohrabacher get this pro-Kremlin propaganda? The Daily Beast reviewed emails that show that his staff "received pro-Kremlin briefings against Browder, once Russia’s biggest foreign investor, and his tax attorney Sergei Magnitsky from a lawyer who was working with Veselnitskaya." Yes, the same lawyer who discussed "adoptions" with Donald Junior back in June 2016. Coincidence? I think not.

So ok, the Congressional hearing was cancelled...but the movie was still shown at the Newseum on June 13, 2016. And who was in charge of sending invites to the pro-Kremlin propaganda movie? Oh, they came from the office of Catharine O’Neill, a Republican intern on Rohrabacher’s committee. Her email promised that the movie would show that Magnitsky was "no hero."

Hmmm. That would seem awfully...pro-Russia. Interesting, coming from a member of government. Unless their loyalty is more to Russia than America. Rohrabacher's press secretary, Ken Grubbs, denied that the email came from their office. Hmm. But it did. His explanation is that "O’Neill was an unpaid intern on the committee staff." (Fun fact - O'Neill has moved her way up to the Trump team. After serving on the transition team, she is now at the State Department’s Office of the Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights. Irony is dead.)

Back to the movie/propaganda. How exactly did Rohrabacher get this info? Well, this is where the story gets interesting. He was given the info directly from the Prosecutor General’s office in Moscow, which the Daily Beast reports "is run by Yuri Chaika, a close associate of President Vladimir Putin who is accused of widespread corruption, and Viktor Grin, the deputy general prosecutor who has been sanctioned by the United States as part of the Magnitsky Act." Oh, and this is the same Prosecutor General’s office that was offering to give the “very high level and sensitive information” to Donald Trump Jr. during the same month.

Rohrabacher was given a document in April of 2016 while visiting Moscow which provides an alternate explanation for the missing $230 million dollars that led to sanctions of 44 Russians....in other words, pro-Russia propaganda.

But why was he being targeted to be Putin's lapdog? Just four years prior, Rohrabacher was warned by the FBI that he was being recruited by Russia as an asset. He was being turned. He knew it. Yet, he continued to spend time with Russians.

And it appears they were successful. They turned him. But will the GOP do anything about it? I mean, there is another Russian plant in the White House. And he has the nuclear codes.

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