GOPer Defends Trump On Health Care: 'I Don't Think It's Important For Him To Understand The Policy'

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) confirmed on Thursday that President Donald Trump does not understand the Senate's health care bill.

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) confirmed on Thursday that President Donald Trump does not understand the Senate's health care bill.

MSNBC's Hallie Jackson noted during an interview with Cassidy that Trump recently made statements to The New York Times that suggested that he was confused about the basics of health care legislation.

Trump told the Times:

So pre-existing conditions are a tough deal. Because you are basically saying from the moment the insurance, you’re 21 years old, you start working and you’re paying $12 a year for insurance, and by the time you’re 70, you get a nice plan. Here’s something where you walk up and say, “I want my insurance.” It’s a very tough deal, but it is something that we’re doing a good job of.

"The statement is a little confusing," Jackson pointed out. "Does he get the intricacies of what you guys are discussing in the Senate?"

"First, I think the president is about broad principles," Cassidy opined. "And how I receive his statement, obviously premiums are lower for those who are younger. And you have to have them lower because the person graduating from college doesn't have very much money. And as we age, premiums will rise in price, but so does our need for insurance."

Jackson interrupted: "So, in your conversations with him, do you think the president understands the political, the policy intricacies of this bill?"

"I don't think it's important for him to understand the policy intricacies of this bill," Cassidy insisted. "What's important for him is to understand the principle. His principle is there should be a replace associated with repeal. And during the campaign he consistently said he wanted to continue coverage for those who had, cover pre-existing conditions, eliminate mandates and lower premiums. Those are very good principles."

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