Hannity Is Spending His Vacation Attacking The Media
Instead of lounging on the beach, playing golf or hiking in the mountains, Sean Hannity seems to be spending his vacation fuming that others in the media don't love Donald Trump as much as he does.
Instead of lounging on the beach, playing golf or hiking in the mountains, Sean Hannity seems to be spending his vacation fuming that others in the media don't love Donald Trump as much as he does.
Sean Hannity has been on vacation since June 30th, yet Hannity is devoting a lot of time to attacking the media, just like his buddy Donald Trump.
As we previously reported, Donald Trump made shockingly childish smears of MSNBC hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski on Thursday last week:
On Friday, Hannity piled on:
On Saturday, Hannity threatened the MSNBC hosts:
As we previously noted, Hannity's "there" seems to refer to an old conspiracy theory about an intern who died in Scarborough's office while he served in Congress.
But Hannity wasn't done using his vacation time to attack the MSNBC hosts:
On Sunday, Hannity expressed his love for Trump’s Tweet of a WWE video showing Trump beating up a person with their face covered by a CNN logo.
On Monday, Hannity was at it again as he subtweeted a Breitbart article attacking CNN and said, “CNN FAKE NEWS HAS LOST IT. NOW A JOKE.”
Hannity managed to take a day off for the July 4th holiday.
But today, he was back at it again, this time going after a CNN report that it had found "HanA**holeSolo," the Reddit user who made the video of Trump attacking CNN. Some objected to part of CNN's statement which we have emphasized in bold:
CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.
CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.
Trump supporters have accused CNN of trying to blackmail the Reddit user. They started Tweeting with the hashtag #CNNBlackmail
Fox News followed suit with this spin: #CNNBlackmail: Outrage after network appears to threaten Reddit user.
Hannity went on a new Twitter tirade:
He then subtweeted a WWE video showing people with CNN logos on their heads being attacked, asking:
Even worse was a subtweet of a clip from a movie showing CNN again being attacked which used the hashtag in the Tweet #CNNIsISIS.
Lastly, as of 1:56 PM ET Hannity subtweeted his previous Tweet calling for Zucker's firing:
Then, he subtweeted that subtweet:
This seems an odd way to spend your vacation.
We hope he's managed to work in some fun in between all that hate.
Crossposted at News Hounds.