Harvard Law Alumni: Scaramucci Is Dead To Us For Now, Anyway

Harvard Law Alumni Directory lists the Mooch as deceased. This is not an article from the Onion.

This is not an article from the Onion. The Washington Post is reporting that the Harvard Law School alumni directory is distancing itself from Scaramucci in the most permanent way possible: they listed him as DEAD.

The Mooch may actually be having the worst week in DC. First, his wife filed for divorce after his love for Trump ruined their marriage. Then, he gave this batshit crazy interview to the New York Times. The final nail in the coffin, before being declared "dead" was Trump's firing him on Monday.

The Mooch lasted 10 full days, 13 days less than Michael Flynn. But, he may actually have only lasted -15 days, as his official start date wasn't until August 15th.

Ok, so the Harvard Law School alumni guide. It just got mailed out a few weeks ago, arriving into alums' mailboxes last week. The Washington Post reports that his name had an asterisk next to it which "indicates that he was reported dead since the last directory, which was published in 2011."

Harvard Law School can't say whether it was intentional or not, but they did provide this statement: “Regrettably, there is an error in the Harvard Law School alumni directory in the listing for Anthony Scaramucci. We offer our sincere apologies to Mr. Scaramucci. The error will be corrected in subsequent editions.”

The biggest irony? The Mooch name dropped that he went to Harvard Law School during almost every single interview he did last week. Harvard's response? "You are dead to us."

Anthony Scaramucci had the worst week in Washington.

Update: They're sorry and will change it in the next directory...

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