CNN Gives Kellyanne 30+ Minutes To Rant Like A Crazy Person
The faster Kellyanne Conway spins, the more desperate the Trump administration looks. Why CNN, Why?!?!
I'm not even going to impose the transcript on you. I'll just point out that Kellyanne Conway is spinning so fast, and lurching so ludicrously from point to point, that I could not stop thinking, "Wow. The White House must be really, really worried this morning."
So while we can't believe anything she says, her behavior is probably a good barometer of internal White House tensions.
We're showing you only ten minutes, but this frantic dance went on for an entire half-hour segment. You have to see it to believe it.
And you gotta love Chris Cuomo telling her: "If you want flattery, there's another channel that can give you that."
You should also watch this segment from today's Good Morning America.