Mike's Blog Round Up

Your liberal blog post links for Friday...

So, how's everyone enjoying the Orange Turd's alt-right "Attack America" tour? (Remember all those lies about Obama's supposed apologies?) And would anyone care to guess what concessions he'll make to Putin? Alaska? Hawaii? Voter databases? At the very least, you know he's giving back those spy compounds. Can we ask John le Carré to write a new trilogy about a high-ranking Russian mole in the White House? Or is that just too obvious?

Booman Tribune: We can't afford a mentally unfit C-in-C.

Lance Mannion: But he's mentally unfit for the job.

No More Mister Nice Blog: And he's (sometimes) a Bannonite.

Anyway, as if all that isn't bad enough…

Gin and Tacos: Freedom isn't the right word anymore. (We're not really free in a meaningful sense.)

Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. (Twitter: @mjwstickings.) I'll be here through the weekend.

Send requests and suggestions to mbru@crooksandliars.com (with "For MBRU" in the subject line).

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