More Trenchant Commentary From HanAssholeSolo, Source For The President's Latest Tweet

Yes, NATO allies, the Leader of the Free World is tweeting edited videos from a man named HanAssholeSolo

So this happened today:

President Trump on Sunday tweeted a modified video of a wrestling match between himself and his media rival CNN.

... The video appears to show Trump attacking and subduing a figure whose face is obscured by a CNN logo.

The video Trump tweeted is from WrestleMania 23 in 2007 when Trump competed versus WWE head Vince McMahon during a staged "battle of the billionaires" fight where each chose one wrestler to represent them....

Trump tweeted the video with the hashtags #FraudNewsCNN and #FNN....

Here's the tweet:

CNN's Brian Stelter tells us

It was submitted by a user named HanAssholeSolo -- yes, NATO allies, the Leader of the Free World is tweeting edited videos from a man named HanAssholeSolo -- whose other contributions to our political discourse, are, um, pretty much what you'd expect.

Some graphics posted by Trump's source:

Yeah, America is pretty freaking great right now, isn't it?

Crossposted at No More Mr. Nice Blog

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