No, It Wasn't McCain's Heroics That Won Last Night. It Was Women And Democrats

McCain brought the drama, but women and Democrats built the trench that held back the Republican destruction of our healthcare system.

Thank you to the entire Democratic Party and to two Republican women -- Senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins -- for helping to save my kids' health insurance.

Once again, with the help of a couple of GOP women, the party that stands up for women, minorities, the poor, the sick, the infirm, the outcast and left behind, immigrants and the working class have stepped up and saved us from the depravity and madness of the Party of Trump.

The Democrats are now, in fact, a party of women and minorities, and it's about damn time to brag on that instead of hiding from it. Because even though I am a middle-aged white guy, I am never prouder to be a Liberal and a Democrat than on days like today.

And you get some credit too, John McCain. Sure, you could have put a halt to this days ago.
But I guess keeping all of us stressed out and terrified a little bit longer, just so the "kerplunk" of your vendetta dump in President Stupid's punch-bowl would be more dramatic, was more important to you.

crossposted from Driftglass

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