Rand Paul Says 'Freedom' Will Bring Health Care Prices Down!

And if you wish really, really hard, you can fly!

Grifter Rand Paul was on Fox & Friends this morning to push his version of the Republican health care bill.

"We can offer something better than Obamacare," the glibertarian senator said.

"What I've been offering is, there's 27 million people that were left behind by Obamacare, or who have no insurance currently. What I've been offering is a plan that would offer insurance to all of them -- at a cheaper price. Let every individual in this country --plumbers, pest control, carpenters, welders -- let them join together in associations so they can get group insurance at a cheaper price.

“But you have to believe in freedom. You have to believe that leaving people alone, that the marketplace will bring the prices down,” the glibertarian said.

Get that? "Freedom." Oh, my aching sides!

Just like "freedom" solved the problems of our obscenely wealthy pharmaceutical industry, right?

The thing that's so great about libertarians is that they have chronic amnesia. Anytime someone actually tries to put libertarianism in practice, it's a failure. Oops, they forgot!

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