The Kochtopus Is Ready To Slime Tax 'Reform'
Koch brothers release their minions on Congress for tax reform.

Charles and David Koch are at it again. This time they intend to release their Kochtopus on the political system and American voters for "tax reform.1" Of course it's not tax reform for you or me. It's tax reform for billionaires, but they intend to tell us it's in our best interest.
There's really no reason for the brothers to think it won't work again. Most Americans still have no idea that the Kochs were the brains and money behind the Tea Party. Practically every red county in America still has their own chapter of the Tea Party that insists they began as a grassroots organization. Only problem is they didn't as it was the Kochs who used their non-profit groups like Americans for Prosperity to fund and start these fake grassroots groups. (Suggested reading: Jane Mayer's Dark Money.)
Except this time it seems someone's had enough of their games. According to an internal Koch document obtained by The Intercept, the Kochs intend to run their tax reform putsch the same exact way. The memo specifically states that they should make their tax reform putsch look like a movement started by voters, a grassroots movement just like their Tea Party movement. Voters are not to know that the Kochs are behind it or that it will only benefit billionaires.
Another Trump Campaign Promise Bites the Dust.Phase I is already complete as the Republican Congress gave them their wish of killing the Border Adjustment Tax (BAT). Koch representatives managed to talk representatives into not taxing their imports by saying that it would hurt American consumers. By the way, this is contrary to Trump's campaign promise that all foreign goods would be taxed to encourage Americans to buy American.
The document also states that Koch representatives have already spoken with and received support from Vice President Mike Pence and leaders of the House and the Senate. This August is when they intend to invade town halls and trick voters into supporting their cause like they did with the Tea Party.
This is Phase II of their plan and includes using their non-profits Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Partners to tell Americans that they are trying to get tax reform passed so that your taxes will be "fairer, flatter and simpler." Through these groups, they will hire people to show up at town halls when the representatives tour their districts. Just like the Tea Party reps did with Obamacare when it started, these hired guns will pepper the legislators and voters with the idea that these tax reform measures must be implemented to give citizens a break.
The memo even list lawmakers that they can count on, that they think they can turn and those that are "vulnerable" because they are likely facing a battle for re-election in 2018. The "vulnerables" are all Democrats. The Kochs intend to hit these candidates the hardest with paid advertisements, emails, phone banks, social media buys and pretend angry constituents in their town halls. Targeted Democrats include:
- Senator Bill Nelson (FL)
- Senator Joe Donnelly (IN)
- Senator Deborah Stabenow (MI)
- Senator Claire McCaskill (MO)
- Senator Jon Tester (MT)
- Senator Heidi Heitkamp (ND)
- Senator Sherrod Brown (OH)
- Senator Tammy Baldwin (WI)
- Senator Joe Manchin (WV)
Since the Koch's got their wish with the BAT being squashed, that lost revenue must be made up elsewhere. Obviously, the Kochs still expect their estate and corporate tax cuts. Therefore, that leaves you and I to make up the revenue gap.
Now that you know who is behind this tax reform, and that it is all a lie that will increase your taxes, you might consider going to these town halls for all the legislators mentioned in the memo. When you see someone stand up and demand this tax reform that has nothing to do with American voters and everything to do with giving billionaires more money, point them out. I suggest you all start yelling "KOCH PLANT!"
Unless that is, you really think Charles and David need more money.
1 Ed. Note: "Tax reform" is a euphemism for tax cuts for rich folks, of course.