Rep. Jordan Tries To Claim Obama's Support For Hillary Is Just Like Russian Meddling

Rep. Jim Jordan tried some bothsiderism and failed.

Rep. Jim Jordan took a giant, insane, totally bat shit crazy leap from Russia election meddling to Obama on Trump's favorite "news show" this morning, Fox and Friends. He tries (and fails) to somehow make it sound like Obama did something horrific to try to change the outcome of the election. Just listen and be ready to facepalm really hard.

Jordan said:

"The Obama administration tried to influence the election. His Attorney General told his FBI Director go tell the American People in the midst of an election something that is false and why did they do it? What was their motive? Because they wanted Hillary Clinton to be the next President of the United States That is not supposed to happen in a great country like ours."

Hmm...but it's totally ok that Russia directly impacted our election through bots, fake news and possible hacking? Oh. I see.

He continued:

"Talk about collusion? Think about this...think about what James Comey did after he was fired. He leaks a memo through a friend to the New York Times and for the stated objective, he was under oath, for the stated objective of creating momentum for Special Counsel."

Fox and Friends host "mmmm hmmmmmmmmm"

Jordan continues:

"And not just any Special Counsel, but his good friend, his predecessor, his mentor, Bob Mueller. Holy cow. This double standard."

It should be noted that Comey had no impact in who was picked for Special Counsel. Oh, and Mueller is a Republican, was nominated by a Republican and has wide support from both sides of the aisle. Fact. Jordan seems to be completely unable to understand basic facts, though. Perfect Trump sycophant. Delusional, whiny and complicit.

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