Sen. Cornyn: Sessions Is A 'Good And Honorable Man' Who Did The Right Thing In Recusing Himself

A member of the GOP Senate leadership stands up for the "beleaguered" Jeff Sessions.

Chris Cuomo on New Day spoke to Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) about the signs that Donald Trump plans to fire Jeff Sessions, apparently for what he calls "disloyalty."

"He said he had a very weak position this morning and that he should be going after Hillary Clinton and he isn't," he said.

"You know what he said in his New York Times interview, saying Sessions had done the wrong thing. What's your message to the president?"

"I know Jeff Sessions well and he's a good and honorable man, and I think he's doing what he believes he's obligated to do under the rules that govern attorney generals," Cornyn said.

"And that in order to restore the credibility of the Department of Justice and the FBI, something we sorely need after the last administration, I think that he made the right decision to recuse himself. I agree with him. I think in order to maintain the impression of impartiality, Jeff Sessions did the right thing."

Cornyn is Mitch McConnell's No. 2, and from everything I've heard, he's been frozen out of McConnell's decision making. So for him to stand up publicly for the Keebler elf means he's standing up to McConnell (doubtful), or just following orders (maybe).

Stay tuned!

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