Tomi Lahren Tries To Blast ACA While Admitting She Only Has Healthcare... Because Of ACA
Tomi Lahren proves just how dumb she really is.
Tomi Lahren, conservative mouthpiece who was fired from The Blaze after her pro-choice comments, was invited to chat with Chelsea Handler, for some reason. During their interview, Tomi jumped on the "Let's bash Obamacare!" bandwagon...but she also dropped this poorly timed sentence:
“Luckily, I am 24, so I am still on my parents’ plan.”
That line drew loud boos from the crowd at her insane hypocrisy. Duh. Does she even think before she speaks? She is sitting there bashing the *very* program that allows her to actually retain insurance after she was fired just a few months ago.
As a reminder, Obamacare allows adults up until the age of 26 remain on their parents health insurance plan. This was not an option for many young adults after college. So yeah, Tomi, you should be thanking Obama.
Twitter enjoyed the irony:
And my favorite:
Bless her heart.