Why You Can't Separate The Russia Probe From Trump's Finances

They're deeply intertwined.

David Cay Johnston was on AM Joy today to add some background to the link between Trump's personal finances and Russia.
"His finances are about Russia," he said.

"Donald has been going to Russia and doing business with Russians since the 1980s, there are deals that don't appear to any commercial sense whatsoever involving the Russians, there's the ongoing effort by Trump to suppress and prevent trial on the allegations involving the Trump Soho Hotel and whether it was a big tax fraud -- the money, the profits disappeared into an Icelandic bank under the thumb of one of the oligarchs, and notice that Donald Trump is always attacking law enforcement -- this isn't new, by the way" he said.

"He was attacking anyone in law enforcement who went after him in the '80s and the '90s, Mayor Ed Koch said Trump should have served 15 days in jail as a sales tax cheat. He attacks Koch. Interesting he never attacked Vladimir Putin."

Yes, that is interesting! I wonder why!

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