WSJ: On Election Day, There Were 150K Attempted Hacks Into SC Voter Registration
Another one of those odd coinky-dinks with our voter system!
A post-election report by the South Carolina State Election Commission says there were nearly 150,000 attempts to hack into the state's voter registation system on Election Day alone.
Mind you, this was a state where Trump won with 54.9%. It suggests that swing states were targeted even more intensely, according to the Wall St. Journal.
In Illinois, hackers hit the State Board of Elections “5 times per second, 24 hours per day” from late June until Aug. 12, 2016, when the attacks ceased for unknown reasons, according to an Aug. 26, 2016, report by the state’s computer staff. Hackers successfully accessed about 90,000 voter records, they reported.
South Carolina did not find any evidence that the attempts succeeded, officials said.
Federal government reports say 21 states were targeted, and U.S. intelligence agencies say Russia interfered with the presidential election for the purpose of aiding Trump.
Robert Mueller and Congress are investigating whether the Trump campaign colluded with Moscow.