'You Won't Catch This On Other News Channels Because It's Dumb A.F.'

The Daily Show nails Fox News for its torrid love affair with alternative facts in a new segment called "The Doncathlon."

The names Sonny or Fredo have been tossed around to reference Donald Trump Jr., but let's just call him DJ, for brevity's sake, as he seems to possess the most flawed traits of both "Godfather" characters.

DJ's role in this Russia-Trump saga is rather substantial since he provided the actual proof for campaign collusion with the Russian government; but he did it all to get his father elected, and maybe gain favor with the narcissist patriarch of the Trump familiglia. In return, daddy said he's a 'high quality person, and I applaud his transparency.'

Seems like daddy is pleased with his son, at least more so than in his collegiate days.

Trevor Noah found the worst offenders of covering the story and covering up for DJ: who else but Fox 'News' could twist itself into a pretzel defending collusion as not even a crime anymore? Greg Jarrett begins the ruse and then Jesse Watters and the Fox Five somehow find a way to make collusion totally okay. But the grand champion of ludicrous contortionism must be Sean Hannity's take on the matter.

HANNITY: The meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer that's sending the media into a feeding frenzy yet again--could it have been set up by Democratic operatives? You won't catch this on the other news channels.

NOAH: Yeah, yeah, you...you're right. You won't. Because it's dumb as f*ck!

The Democrats set up this meeting? Tricked Don Jr. into colluding with the Russians and then never used it? That was the plan? It worked!
We got Don Jr. with the Russians.
Should we leak it now?
No, no, hold, hold.
Hillary's lead is down two points.
Should we leak it now?
Hold, hold.
We just lost the election.
Hold, hold.
The time will come!

DJ Donnie Jr. is almost too good to be true for any comedian. Noah simply has to roll the tape of the eldest son.

DJ: Someone sent me an e-mail. I can't help what someone sends me. You know? I read it, I responded accordingly. I wouldn't have even remembered it until you start scouring through the stuff. It wa-- it was literally just a wasted 20 minutes, which was a shame.

NOAH: I love that he's totally confessing but in the tone of someone who is giving an alibi.

He illustrates how DJ Donnie Junior is just setting up for his spectacular dismount .

HANNITY: What about the timeline of this?

DJ: This is pre-for example, Wikileaks. This is Pre-Russia fever, this is pre-Russia-mania, you know? This is 13 months ago. Before, I think, the rest of the world was, uh, talking about that, trying to build up this narrative about Russia.

NOAH: Yeah. No one was talking about collusion before we did it. Yeah. That's kind of how that works. You see, first you do the thing, and then the people start to talk about it.

There is no greater comedy gold than the alternative facts of Fox "News" and the dystopian criminal reality of the Trump Administration. Terrible for the U.S., but great for the comedians who help keep us sane.

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