CNN Poll Is More Bad News For Trump And It's His Own Fault

People don't trust him because of his erratic tweeting, go figure.

More bad news on the one thing the media doesn't "both sider" -- poll numbers.

There's no way to say "both sides are equally bad" when you've only got one president. And the media doesn't dare compare Trump's numbers nationally to Barack Obama. That would just be embarrassing for the news organization who ran non-stop empty Trump podium coverage for a YEAR.

Maybe if the polls keep going in this direction, Donald will stop tweeting? Oh dream on, Kellyanne. CNN:

President Trump's approval ratings are dismal in the new CNN national poll. Ditto his trust ratings. And the numbers around whether his first six months on office have been a success or a failure. And virtually every other number in the poll.

There's also a clear solution to Trump's problems -- or at least a way to stop the bleeding -- contained in the poll. And it goes like this: STOP TWEETING. Or, at a minimum, stop tweeting about the things Trump is obsessed with tweeting about.

Seven in 10 Americans say that Trump's tweeting habits "too often seem to be in response to news he may have seen on TV" and believe that Twitter is a "risky way for a president to communicate." More than six in 10 say his tweets "too often turn out to be misleading" and are "easy to misunderstand."

The numbers are terrible among the people media types seem obsessed about. Non-college whites in flyover country who identify as Trump supporters. Presidents are expected to poll in the 80-90 percent approval rating among people of their own party, especially in the first year of their presidency. Trump is polling in the 49-57 range, and those "loyal" voters are most concerned about the tweeting, which he will never stop.

It's gotta make the GOP Congressional delegation sweat. If they stand up to Trump, he's guaranteed to tweet about it.

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