Don Lemon: We Can't Pretend Something Insane Is Not Happening

"What have we become, where we have to have this fake objectivity and pretend something is not happening?" Lemon said.

I don't envy these cable news people their jobs these days. Imagine watching Trump last night and trying to think of something to say that isn't "he's crazy," over and over again.

Yet Republican operative Mike Shields chided CNN's Don Lemon after the speech, saying "we lose credibility when we will immediately say, 'let's have a ten-minute conversation with multiple people all chiming in we think the president is insane.'

"You do realize how that's being heard by millions of people right now," he said. "They're going, 'You're right, the media is blasting him..."

Lemon was having none of it.

"I think by saying that something is insanity is not necessarily saying what is happening right now is insanity, not saying specifically that the president is insane," Lemon said.

"People are questioning his fitness for office and for me to say, for people to say 'oh, my gosh, this is insane' doesn't mean the person is insane. It means the situation we are in is insane or not the norm.

"But the former Director of National Intelligence -- also his members of his own party who are questioning his fitness for office. and we are talking about that, and if you cannot assess someone's behavior and figure out whether they're okay or fit for something, then who are we?

"What have we become, where we have to have this fake objectivity and pretend something is not happening?

"When I hear someone yelling on the streets howling at the moon and sky, am I supposed to say 'I'm going to lose my credibility because I don't assess that person as someone who has something wrong with them or who needs help.'

"We can't sit here and pretend that that is not happening. That what happened on this stage tonight in Phoenix, Arizona, is normal. is rational. Is worthy of the highest office in the land, is worthy of someone who has the nuclear codes -- for someone to sit there and have these -- and present these fake enemies --we're not the enemy of the state or of the people or the president of the united states.

"This man has the nuclear codes and can blast us to smithereens at any moment if he wants to. So says the former Director of National Intelligence who just appeared on CNN who said now he is worried and scared about this person."

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