Donald Trump Is Having A Bad Twitter Day
Poor Donald Trump can't get his Twitter mojo back today
You know how sometimes after being away for a long vacation you need a day or two to get back in the right mindset at work? Donald Trump seems to be having that same difficulty at his job - Tweeter in Chief.
Take, for example, his insane tweets yesterday, attacking the CEO of Merck who left his advisory board after he gave the *wink wink, nod nod* to White Supremacists:
FYI, later in the day both Under Armour and Intel pulled out as well. Not a peep. Guess the difference? CEO of Merck is black, CEO's of Under Armour and Intel are white.
Moving on...
Early this morning, Trump retweeted whackadoodle conspiracy theorist who pushed Pizzagate, Jack Posobiec
It's down now.
Trump retweeted an image of CNN being hit (and probably killed) by a train bearing the colors of the Russian flag. I am not joking. The tweet says: "Nothing can stop the #TrumpTrain!!"
The White House put out a statement saying that the tweet was "inadvertently posted and as soon it was noticed it was immediately deleted." In other words, John Kelly saw it, called Trump and said "Delete this right now or you don't get 2 scoops of ice cream tonight, Donnie."
And finally....
Trump retweeted Mike Holden who called the president a "fascist" in response to news that Trump may pardon Joe Arpaio for his violation of Federal laws regarding racial profiling.
Talk about odd. I guess some could say this was the twitter equivalent of a Freudian slip, eh?
Holden was probably shocked by the retweet and has changed his bio to read: "Officially Endorsed by the President of the United States. I wish that were a good thing."
Reminder, this post is being written at 10:30 am on Tuesday.