Elite New York Times Columnist Lectures Dems On Being Too Elite

It's almost as if the Times hired Bret Stephens as a stereotype...of an elite.

Oh, I love conservatives -- especially when they're such obvious elite jerkoffs as Bret Stephens, lecturing Democrat Rep. Brendan Boyle on how they don't "stand" for anything. (I found myself screaming at the TV, 'We stand for EVERYBODY, which is why YOUR voters hate us!")

Mind you, this climate-denying weasel elitist is currently married to a Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim -- who has a doctorate in Italian literature. From Cambridge. Isn't this the kind of thing people like him ridicule about Democratic elites?

"Look, the problem is, I don't know what the Democratic party stands for, other than hating Trump," he said.

"And, you know, you saw it in that special election in Georgia where you had all the enthusiasm, you had thousands of volunteers, tons of money. and a district that could have swung your way. It doesn't do it, and I think it doesn't do it for this reason, above all to average Americans, Democrats stand for the party of contempt.

"They stand for the party of contempt for ordinary Americans, for their struggles, for -- also for sort of traditional values, and until that changes and there's a genuine outreach to sort of the white working-class American voters, that's going to be the indelible image of the Democrats as the party of professors, Elizabeth Warrens who are out of touch."

(You mean, former REPUBLICAN Elizabeth Warren, who suddenly became an out of touch academic as soon as she switched parties?"

"Let me take the last thing you said, because there is an element within the movement left that believes that we should just be the party of well-educated whites and racial minorities and leave the blue-collar parts behind," Boyle said.

"I fully 100% reject that view. If you look at Scranton, Luzerne county, Erie, Pennsylvania, places in Michigan and Wisconsin, I think it would be foolish to write them off because Barack Obama carried them twice. They went for John Kerry and Al Gore. Anyone who says that we should kind of turn the page and reject those voters, I think it's wrong, and not in our interests."

No, Brendan, that isn't what the left is saying. We're saying don't bend over backwards to try to attract white racists when our party's base is female and African American.

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