Fox's Jason Chaffetz Thinks Trump Should Let Government Shut Down Over His Stupid Wall

Chaffetz thinks Trump should "hold his ground" on threat to shut down the government.

President* Crazypants is "serious" about his threat to shutdown the government if they don't fund his #1 campaign promise - The Wall.

At his batshit crazy rally on Tuesday, he screamed:

"If we have to close down our government, we're building that wall. We're going to have our wall. The American people voted for immigration control. We're going to get that wall."

Wait, what about Mexico paying for the wall? Yeah, that's out.

Congress returns from their summer break after a very productive first half of the year (snicker) and are going to be faced with finding a way to fund the government to keep it open and operational. As it is, with a fully operational government, not much is getting done. Would we even notice if they shut down? I mean, how much *less* productive could they get?

Well, the Trump administration is banking on Congress bowing down to Trump and funding his wall in their spending bill.

Kellyanne Conjob told Fox News on Thursday morning: "Anybody who’s surprised by that has not been paying attention for over two years. So he’s telling Congress he’s building the wall, he expects the funding, and it’s up to them to work collaboratively. We hope they do."

How did Fox News pundits respond to this threat? They were shocked, appalled, disgusted by the thought of anyone shutting down the entire government for such an insane campaign promise.

KIDDING. They loved it. Here is new Fox Commentator, Jason Chaffetz, talking "Government Shutdown Threat 2017"

KILMEADE: Yesterday the [House] Freedom Caucus’ Mark Meadows [(R-NC)] came out and tweeted out, "I support the president and his push for the border wall." The president made it clear if I don't get that border wall financing, I am going to shut down the government. [House Speaker] Paul Ryan [(R-WI)] does not want -- here is what Paul Ryan said in response.


REP. PAUL RYAN: I don't think a government shutdown is necessary, and I don't think most people want to see a government shutdown.


KILMEADE: What's the tactic here?

CHAFFETZ: Well, look, the president wants a border wall. I think the country wants a border wall. He campaigned on it. President Obama, there were several times and several positions that he took. He said I have to have this. Funding a border wall is in the best interest of the United States, and the --

KILMEADE: Democrats don't want to do it?

CHAFFETZ: No, I don't care. The president should hold his ground on this one. Absolutely.

KILMEADE: Shut down the government?

CHAFFETZ: Well, you don't need to shut down the government. The only ones that’s going to shut down the government are going to be the Democrats in the Senate. So, Republicans, I think, are wholly behind this. There are going to be some that are going to waffle and get away from it. But no, the president's right on this. Why should he give ground on this one?

I guess they forget that the Republicans control every single lever in government, so if this funding doesn't pass, it is because of Republicans, not Democrats. And the video of Trump saying he is fine with shutting the government down and putting our nation at risk because of a stupid Wall will be great for all 2018 Democratic candidates. Can you imagine if they actually let this happen?

Petty, thy name is Trump.

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