Hey, Evan McMullin: 'Both Sides Don't'

A late night Twitter rant against both-siderism

Hey, Evan McMullin:  'Both Sides Don't'

I was almost ready for bed last night when I made the mistake of checking Twitter one last time...

Oh Evan McMullin, must you push the both sides meme at me and rob me of sleep?

I responded. Off the top of my head. Because after ten years this Sunday (Happy Anniversary to me!) on the Crooks and Liars staff, I can.

#BothSidesDont pass voter suppression laws.

#BothSidesDont filibuster their own bill to ensure Obama had zero accomplishments.

#BothSidesDont hold private bill drafting sessions re our nation's health insurance system and leave. out. women. and. people. of. color.

#BothSidesDont need a "No Labels" movement (or a Tea Party rebranding) to get past their last president's failures.

#BothSidesDont make up fake rules to prevent a qualified Supreme Court nominee from having a hearing let alone a vote.

#BothSidesDont refer to human beings as "illegals," or use dog whistles like "cosmopolitan."

#BothSidesDont vote to confirm the most unqualified Secretary of Education in American History. HUD Secretary. Secretary of Energy, Treasury.

#BothSidesDont look the other way while their presidential nominee shows no interest in the party's platform except the Ukraine plank.

#BothSidesDont have Orly Taitz as a driver of their politics for years.

#BothSidesDont look back on the day their House of Rep members gave Rush Limbaugh a plaque calling him "The Majority Maker." (1994)

#BothSidesDont push alternative facts, Bowling Green Massacre, 3M illegal voters, Pizzagate, or a selling babies for "parts" conspiracy.

#BothSidesDont think "Dynamic Scoring" is a thing or that Tax Cuts for Billionaires will "grow" the economy to 4%.

#BothSidesDont have the majority in both houses and the presidency and no legislative accomplishment in 200 days.

#BothSidesDont use Congressional investigations and billionaire funded 501c3 Judicial Watch lawsuits as mission critical election tools.

#BothSidesDont need a political lifeboat after Trump is kicked out of office. i.e. "Trumpism isn't Republican" "I'm an independent Constitutional Conservative."

#BothSidesDont let 'grab 'em by the pu**y' stand so they can get their tax cuts for the rich.

I hope C&L readers will add to this list, either on Twitter or in comments below. It isn't difficult.

Highly recommended, click the link to see the surprisingly high number of times we have covered media both-siderism here at C&L. Chuck Todd is a particular stand-out on this score.

The hashtag is #BothSidesDont

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