Hugh Hewitt: Trump Isn't A Bigot Because Ivanka Is Jewish

Do right-wing yakkers ever have a genuine moment? Nah.

Boy, it sure is interesting watching right-wing media types tapdance around Trump's racism. Watch as Katy Tur asks Hugh Hewitt whether Trump is doing his job.

"In life, it's the simplest thing you can possibly do as president: 'Say the KKK is bad, I don't like them.' Why does the bar keep getting lowered for this president?" Tur asked.

"I don't know that it does," Hewitt said.

"When they denounce Jews, I do want to point out, Katy, President Trump has nominated David Strauss, whose grandparents are both Holocaust survivors. I thought of Justice Strauss. Ivana is Jewish. Jared Kushner is Jewish. These people in Charlottesville were chanting anti-Semitic chants. I don't believe the president is a bigot."

(See? Some of his best friends are Jewish!)

Tur said Trump "still hasn't said, 'I don't want your support,' Hugh. He hasn't said don't march in my name, don't invoke me, don't say you're trying to fulfill my promises. Why would he not say that today?"

"I agree with you," Hewitt said. "That's why I would prefer him to have staffers like Peggy Noonan and Michael Gerson who understand moments and who can provide him with texts and prompts as President Reagan had around him. To come up with great moments of rhetoric, as President Obama had. You need people like that to raise your game on moments of great importance and the president does not have them."

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