Katy Tur Asks Rep. Chris Collins How Trump Has Promoted Unity. He Can't Answer.

When asked to name one thing Trump has done in the name of unity, Chris Collins chokes up.

During a great interview today, Katy Tur repeatedly asked Representative Chris Collins to give her just one example of Trump trying to work with Democrats. He was unable to provide one.

Tur: Congressman, you say the President has called for unity. Can you tell me one thing he has done to reach out to the other side?

Collins: When you say reach out to the other side, you know, it's a two-way street.

Tur: But what has he done to reach out? What legislation has he proposed? What blue state has he gone to? What blue city has he gone to? What Democrats has he met with in private to get things done? Tell me one thing he's done to reach out to the other side in this country?

Collins: He has had Democrat senators into the White House time and again, early on, talking about health care, attempting --

Tur: In what way did he reach out? Give me one way he reached out on healthcare other than a conversation?

Collins: It starts with conversation, and he was shut down immediately by Senator Schumer and the others, in saying that they weren't going to support anything called a repeal of Obamacare. They worked to put more money into the individual marketplace, but that was it. At which point he had no choice, but to turn to the Republicans, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan. We in the House sent a pretty darn good repeal and replace that didn't get through the Senate, but it takes two people and Senator Schumer --

On what planet would any Democrat sign on to any bill that repeals their HUGE accomplishment and President Obama's signature accomplishment?

Still refusing to answer, Collins drifts into finger pointing, blaming Obamacare, Senator Schumer...Tur gets him right back on track, though.

Collins continued to tap dance around gang members, MS-13, his jokes about police brutality...how poor Trump's words were taken out of context. And then, Charlottesville.

Can you guess what he said about that? (Both sides!)

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