Lou Dobbs And Ed Rollins Beat The War Drums Against Bob Mueller
This is sickening.
I've been monitoring the right-wing media for a very long time, so I'm used to the lies, the racism, the deeply un-American positions of their talking heads. That said, there was something really insidious about this Fox Business segment last night with Lou Dobbs and Ed Rollins, and it made me sick, just how shamelessly Fox hammers their viewers with lies to incite them. (Remember, this is the "business" channel.)
"Let's start with these calls for Mueller to resign, on the face -- as we documented here for weeks now, there is no basis for the man with any integrity to stay in that job," Dobbs said.
"The issue I would make right now is, I watched this rally tonight. Thousands and thousands of great Americans out there, basically cheering this president," Rollins said.
"Whether the Russians colluded in this election or not (Who did they collude with, Ed?), the bottom line is, they got their way. This country is in a state of disarray because of their activities. The special prosecutor was appointed because allegedly, the attorney general was involved in some way, shape or form in the campaign. He has testified for hours before the Congress, and there is absolutely no evidence he had anything to do with the Russians, just because he was giving advice to the campaign." (Besides the undisclosed meetings with Russians he "forgot" to disclose, of course.)
"If I was him, I would say, come in my office tomorrow, I want the FBI director, I want the deputy attorney general, and I want Sessions. And I want you to tell me what are you doing here and why are you bringing a grand jury and what case. Bob Mueller, the special counsel. And I want him to make his case. And if you have any objections to it, you put them out here in front of me. If you can't make a case why you can't -- why I can't be involved in this, because you are acting with my power. There is no evidence I had anything to do with charges of collusion. And if you think I was, you are now going to a grand jury in the District of Columbia instead of Fairfax County. Tell me why you're going there."
"You know why," Dobbs said. "Mueller selected a potential grand jury that voted 96% for Hillary Clinton."
"I understand that," Rollins said.
"Whenever they want to go after anybody else, they go elsewhere. I would just argue he has to answer to somebody. Right now, he's not answering to somebody.
"You are talking about a rotten to the core Republican leadership on Capitol Hill. Speaker Ryan and Mitch McConnell, who don't have the guts to defend this president."
So Ed Rollins thinks Jeff Sessions should intimidate the Justice Department officials into backing off the case. He doesn't see anything wrong there, because right-wingers are authoritarians who ignore the rule of law.
And we all know what "Hillary Clinton" voters is code for.
FYI: The grand jury is in D.C. because that's where the alleged crimes happened.