Mike Pence Isn't Running For President In 2020, He Swears (Wink, Wink)
Even though he created his own PAC for the 2018 and 2020 elections, Mike Pence swears he isn't running for anything.
Mike Pence swears on his well worn Bible that he absolutely, definitely, positively is not running for President in 2020. (Wink, wink). He probably figures he'll be inaugurated sometime in 2018 after Trump is impeached/removed via 25th Amendment or indicted on federal and/or state charges for a litany of offenses. But you know, he is DEEPLY offended that anyone would dare say he is eyeing a run in 2020.
I mean, creating his own PAC, the "Great America Committee" way back in May of this year, conveniently without any involvement or mention of Fuhrer Trump, was just a money raising operation...for future elections...without Trump. But you know, he is DEFINITELY not running on his own.
And the New York Times article about Republican "Shadow Campaigns" is utter hogwash. The reports that Cotton, Sasse and Kasich have already put out feelers via trips to Iowa or New Hampshire is typical when the party has complete faith in the current President, right?
No, it is not typical. In fact, Senator McCain said it pretty clearly:
“They see weakness in this President. Look, it’s not a nice business we’re in.”
So what about the allegations about Pence eyeing an individual run? He swears he isn't running and reports to the contrary are "fake news." He said “the allegations in this article are categorically false and represent just the latest attempt by the media to divide this administration.” He also praised President* Trump for being the smartest, nicest, bravest man he had ever met and that he was “honored to be working side-by-side with a President* who is making America great again.”
Here is Pence's official statement:
So yeah, he isn't running in 2020. But he was seen measuring the drapes in the White House Oval Office this weekend, which is probably a total coincidence.