Morning Joe Presents 'A Tale Of Two Trumps'

Which Trump is the real Trump?

Morning Joe had a segment this morning that intercut pieces from Trump's Charlottesville and Phoenix speeches. (As you can see, it's a bit of a pingpong match.)

"You know, for over a year now, there have been people that say you should not try to figure out the president's mental state and if he has any issues, don't try to be a pop psychiatrist or psychologist," Scarborough said.

"But I can say safely, Willie, that he at least has in its most advanced form of political schizophrenia."

They discussed whether this keeps him from being effective, and Scarborough said he thinks Kelly has got to be close to leaving.

"I just got the sense the second I saw this speech unfurl yesterday, Willie, General Kelly I think at this point is pretty fed up with it," Scarborough said.

"I wonder whether he had a talk with the president or somebody else had a talk, saying this is it, General Kelly will not stick around if this keeps up."

"I think the problem is, nobody believes that yesterday's version of Donald Trump is the real Donald Trump, the message of healing and the message of unity is the one he actually believes," Geist said.

"When he's not on the teleprompter we see what we saw last Tuesday night, when he totally undid his words and talked about many sides and both side, that's who he really is."

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